Supporting our community since 1984.
We provide programs that help and give support from newborn babies to seniors. Golden Community Resources Society (GCRS) welcomes your inquiries about existing programs for children, families, youth, seniors or other community services. We are also well equipped to help new groups get off the ground and onto a sustainable path.

GCRS continues to be an integral, collaborative partner in Golden’s non-profit community.
Many of these programs continue to thrive under the GCRS ‘umbrella’ and a number of them have been incorporated into other agencies or were supported in the development of autonomous societies to carry out their specific mandates.
Our helpful expert staff are located throughout Golden, BC and provide information and assistance on child, youth, community and senior resources.
Our initiation and support of many programs and services include:
social planning council
alternate school programs
food bank
directory of groups + services
infant development services
speech + language service
youth centre
employment services
parent groups
women’s resource centre
drug + alcohol services
children's programs
mental health services
displaced worker programs
social planning council alternate school programs food bank directory of groups + services infant development services speech + language service youth centre employment services parent groups women’s resource centre drug + alcohol services children's programs mental health services displaced worker programs

— A message from the Executive Director —
As the Executive Director of GCRS, I continue to be thankful that the enthusiasm and vision with which our Society began in 1984 has not only been maintained but continues to flourish. Our strong organizational structure, the stability of our leadership and the commitment of our talented staff has strengthened our collective dedication to our purpose.
Although our mission has remained constant over the years, the programs and services we provide have evolved as the needs of our community have changed. We have learned much about what needs to be done and how to do it.
We appreciate that municipal, provincial and federal government funding has provided the foundation for long term sustainability but we continually face the challenge of finding ways to raise additional funds in an unpredictable economy. We gratefully acknowledge the local organizations who offer granting opportunities that allow us to expand our boundaries and consider all that is possible.
The establishment and continual growth of our local non profit sector has fostered important, exciting and relevant collaborations with community partners who willingly share their time, resources and guidance. Together we make great things happen in our community.
We are proud of the work we do and are pleased to share it with you.
Connie Barlow
Executive Director